Know your WHY

You have to know what you’re doing it all for.

My WHY has always been my greatest motivation. I know so many people whose WHY is just to chase money for the rest of their lives. I aspire for more than just that, I want to have an impact on myself, my family, my community, and my country.

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I’m writing this post just to remind myself what I’m doing it all for. The reason why I love the stock market is because it’s an avenue for me to achieve financial freedom, and in turn, mastery. I believe that the stock market is where EVERYONE can achieve financial freedom, if they put in the work.

I’m so dedicated to being a trader that I don’t do what people my age normally do:

  1. I don’t party: So many people who are my age just want to party and live their life like it’s their last day on this Earth. Well let me tell you, life is a  MARATHON not a sprint.
  2. I don’t watch any series online: I know so many people who just binge watch anything they can lay their eyes on online, which for me is a total time waster.
  3. And the most shocking, I DON’T HAVE ANY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: Why’d I permanently delete them? Because to me everything there is just NOISE. So many wannabee “Gurus” on social media just irritate me so much, and the number of people who trade based on tips from these so called “Gurus” just end up losing money. I once was in their shoes, trading based on hype. I now realize that I had to trade in the silence of my SYSTEM. I might eventually create new social media accounts tho, but for TomaTrader content only. All business, no personal stuff.

These are just a few of the things I sacrificed in order to become a great trader one day. Why did I do it? Because I value TIME. This is the most finite and important resource we have. If I really want to be great at trading my belief is that I have to spend majority of my TIME on things that will help me become a great trader. I’ll do NOW what others won’t, so TOMORROW I can do what others can’t.

I put in every ounce of my blood and soul into what I do because of the strength of my WHY, and that’s to:

  1. Become a CONSISTENTLY SUCCESSFUL trader (People who have read TRADING IN THE ZONE will get this)
  2. Become the MOST INFLUENTIAL trader in Philippine History: Before I die, my goal is for at least 10% of the population of the Philippines will be investing/trading in the stock market and for me to be one of the biggest reason why this was accomplished.
  3. Open the TOMAFOUNDATION: This is what will be my legacy. I plan to open my own foundation that aims to help both people and animals alike. As of now the idea is still pretty general, but at the end of the day I want to give back to my community.

So to everyone, I beg you to work your ass off for your WHY. Cos if you don’t, no one else will.


Please feel free to leave your comment, opinions, and suggestions.

This is TomaTrader, Ciao.

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